The lectures deal with the most important techniques in web GIS. The major part of the exercises concerns the creation of web GIS services using standard software as well as markup language coding and script programming. Part of the course deal with rules for cartographic visualization on computer screens.
"Very nice course on using leaflet to build web maps. Many aspects of leaflet and leaflet plugins are covered along with some more advanced analysis using turf. The code examples are helpful in getting started with leaflet maps and adding widgets for interacting with the map."
This course will provide you with the knowledge you need to
At the end of the course you will be able to create web interfaces to view, search, and analyze your GIS data and make them accessible to anyone with a web interface for free!
This course requires only a text editor and an open source web server to get started designing web GIS applications.
what are the prerequistes for this course ?.
what you will learn in this course?
the target audience?
This course is oriented towards:
The GIS SCIENCE SCHOOL offers a GIS graduate certificationand provides advanced training on all aspects of the GIS Technology
"This is an excellent course — definitely worth checking out!"
- Bissemb olivier, CEO, Gis Science School